Agave horrida

Horrible Agave, Wicked Agave, Mexcalmetl



Agave horrida is native to the mountainous terrains of Central Mexico but has become increasingly popular in the Southwest. Due to the intensity of compaction prior to the leaves opening, each leaf beautifully displays significant indentations, no one similar to the other. After around 20 years, Agave horrida reaches its mature height of 1-2’ and 1 ½ -3’ wide.


Scientific Name: Agave horrida

Common Name: Wicked Agave, Horrible Agave, Mexcalmetl

Family: Asparagaceae

Monocarpic: dies after 1st and only bloom

Suggested Uses: Great as a potted agave


Height: 1-2’

Width: 1 ½- 3 ’

Flower: Grows on a 6-16’ stalk with a wide variety of blooms, including green, yellow, purple or red flowers

Bloom Period: summer

Fruit: NA


USDA Zone: 9b-11b

Hardiness- can handle low of 25F

Sun: Full filtered sun

Water: Consistent water once every 1-2 weeks in summer, reduce in winter

Soil: Rocky, well-draining soils